Category: Updates

In Memory of Mr. Carl Gerald McNamara

In Memory of Mr. Carl Gerald McNamara

The Whiteside Church Preservation Society wishes to offer our sincere and heartfelt sympathy to the family of Mr. McNamara upon hearing of his passing this month. May his soul and the souls of all the dearly departed rest in peace.

Several generous memorial donations were made in his memory and are listed on the donor page.


Some Special Volunters!

Some Special Volunters!

Have you noticed the beautiful church windows? There is certainly much to be thankful for at St. Patrick’s this Thanksgiving. The Society would like to extend a very special thank-you to Mr. Frank Meagher and Mr. Francis White who volunteered several days to prepare and repaint all the exterior church windows this past month. We also must recognize the volunteer time of Mr. Francis MacEachern (who loaned the staging) and Mr. Peter Ryan who helped set up and move the staging for each window. The Landry Bros. Hardware of Lousidale donated paint for the windows and Paul’s Upholstery donated a replacement window pane glass. What an amazing community effort!

The Whiteside Church Preservation Society continues to extend a deep gratitude to all those who made financial donations in 2016. May you expereince a wonderful Thanksgiving Weekend surrounded by family and friends.


Karen Walker

Tribute to Mr. Paul Doyle

Tribute to Mr. Paul Doyle

The Whiteside Church Preservation Society wishes to extend our sincere sympathies to the family of Mr. Paul Doyle. We gratefully acknowledge the many thoughtful contributions made in his memory. These generous donations are a testament to how much Whiteside and St. Patrick’s Church meant to Paul Doyle.


2016 Luncheon

2016 Luncheon

Mark your calendars and tell all your family and friends…

The 2nd Annual St. Patrick’s Day Family Mass and Afternoon Social Luncheon will be held Sunday July 17th, 2016.

This is a great time for the community to gather with extended family and friends.  

Keep watching the website this fall for details of the special weekend!