Category: Updates

New Board Members

New Board Members

The Whiteside Church Preservation Society welcomes two new Board members to the executive committee, Richard and Elaine Cook. We thank them in advance for their service, and appreciate their support and willingness to preserve St. Patrick’s Church.

Thank you.

Thank you.

The Society extends our thanks to Dave Matthews of Louisdale for his donation of material for the chimney repair. The repair was completed in August.

In Memory of Mrs. Celina Malatesta (MacDonald)

In Memory of Mrs. Celina Malatesta (MacDonald)

The Whiteside Church Preservation Society wishes to extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Mrs. Celina Malatesta upon hearing of her passing this week in Boston. Burial at St. Patrick’s will take place at a later date.

May her soul and the souls of all the faithfully departed rest in peace.


In Memory of Harriet Elizabeth Morash (1944-2016)

In Memory of Harriet Elizabeth Morash (1944-2016)

The Whiteside Church Preservation Society wishes to extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Harriet Elizabeth Morash upon hearing of her passing last week. Burial at St. Patrick’s will take place Thursday, August 25th, 2016.

May her soul and the souls of all the faithfully departed rest in peace.

Our Luncheons

Our Luncheons


Photo from July 17th:

Honorary Cake Cutters for the day were Paul White (who celebrated his birthday, and was baptized at St. Patrick’s Church) his mother, Mrs. Margaret White (who will be celebrating her 90th birthday at the end of July and who has long time connections to the parish, and Paula and Alice Jane, who are daughters of the late Mrs. Malinda McNamara (a longtime area resident who passed away this past year leaving several memorial donations to the Preservation Society)


Whiteside Church Preservation Society wishes to thank EVERYONE who participated in the Liturgy at St. Patrick’s Church on Sunday, July 18th.

– to Fr. Callistus for officiated at the Mass and for the Cemetery Blessing

-Altar server Fred Fougere

-Extraordinary Minister Marie Fougere

-Ministers of the Word Jackie White and Lucy Voss

-Prayers of the Faithful and Intentions: Mary Timmis

-Music Ministry Heather Richard

-Offertory Collection : Francis White and Denis Felix

-Bell Ringer: Billy Proctor

-Gift Bearers Carmel Scanlan and Nathan Scanlan

-Flower Arrangement: Marilyn Demers

-Programs and Overall Organization: Barb Malcolm

We also express our greatest thanks to all who attended, and to those who were unable to attend but were present in thought and prayer.

Following the mass there was a beautiful luncheon and a special thank you is extended to:

– all those who graciously donated food and helped to prepare the food

– to Michelle Hayes who provided a beautiful and very delicious cake for the day

– to the Riverdale Community Centre for the beautiful setting

– to Riverdale Society Members Richard Cook and Wolf Klette for their assistance

– to Francis and Brenda White for their planning and assistance with details of the day

The day welcomed local community members along with visitors from near and far. There were families in attendance from Indiana and Calgary, as well as a local Syrian family! What a glorious day.

Please keep watching the website for more photos to be shared.

What a wonderful day!

Mark your calendar for March 17th, 2017 and come out that evening to share our next Mass on the feast day of St. Patrick! 


Karen Walker

Special thanks to Michelle Hayes who is graciously donating another beautiful cake for the July Family Mass and Luncheon. The cake last summer was delicious!