Category: Updates

St Patrick’s Day Mass will be held on Friday, March 17th at 4:00 o’clock.

St Patrick’s Day Mass will be held on Friday, March 17th at 4:00 o’clock.

Please come join us for this celebration of our Patron Saint.

Also Mark Your Calendars:

Annual Summer Family Mass will be held on Sunday July 16th, 2017 at St. Patrick’s Church Whiteside. This Mass will be a special remembrance of all our dearly departed loved ones. A blessing of St. Patrick’s Cemetery will take place immediately following the mass. Free luncheon will follow. Everyone welcome for a wonderful day of fellowship.

In Memory of Mrs. Anne Marie (Morgan) Felix, RN.

In Memory of Mrs. Anne Marie (Morgan) Felix, RN.

The Whiteside Church Preservation Society wishes to extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Mrs. Anne Marie Felix, upon hearing of her passing. She was a registered nurse and known for her long time involvement in the area. Her burial will take place at St. Patrick’s Cemetery, Whiteside.

May her soul and the souls of all the faithfully departed rest in peace.

In Memory of Raymond McNamara

In Memory of Raymond McNamara

The Whiteside Church Preservation Society wishes to extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Mr. Raymond McNamara upon hearing of his passing. He was a resident of Whiteside and a longtime member of St. Francis de Sales parish. Raymond was well known in the area for his outstanding community contributions, including his involvement in the Knights of Columbus. Burial is at St. Patrick’s Cemetery, Whiteside.

May his soul and the souls of all the faithfully departed rest in peace.

A very Merry Christmas to all! Please note that our initial fundraising goal has been achieved and all major repairs completed. We have adjusted the totals on the adjacent graph to reflect our Dec. 2017 goal of $2,500 to cover annual operating costs. More details in the upcoming newsletter. What an accomplishment! Thank-you to all who supported the preservation of St. Patrick’s Church. You are truly amazing people.

A very Merry Christmas to all! Please note that our initial fundraising goal has been achieved and all major repairs completed. We have adjusted the totals on the adjacent graph to reflect our Dec. 2017 goal of $2,500 to cover annual operating costs. More details in the upcoming newsletter. What an accomplishment! Thank-you to all who supported the preservation of St. Patrick’s Church. You are truly amazing people.

Please note that our initial fundraising goal has been achieved and all major repairs completed. We have adjusted the totals on the adjacent graph to reflect our Dec. 2017 goal of $2,500 to cover annual operating costs. More details in the upcoming newsletter. What an accomplishment! Thank-you to all who supported the preservation of St. Patrick’s Church. You are truly amazing people.

In Memory of Mrs. Edith Kathleen Cook

In Memory of Mrs. Edith Kathleen Cook

The Whiteside Church Preservation Society wishes to extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Mrs. Edith Kathleen Cook upon hearing of her passing this past week. She was a Silver Cross Recipient and mother to Richard (and Elaine) Cook of Whiteside.

May her soul and the souls of all the faithfully departed rest in peace.