Category: Updates

The annual summer luncheon

The annual summer luncheon

Well a simple thank-you does not begin to extend our appreciation for the efforts of all who attended and helped organize the annual summer Mass this past weekend. Photos will be coming shortly to the website.

Thank-you to Fr. Joe MacKenzie for celebrating the Mass with us; to the members of the Riverdale Community Services Society for their beautiful facility; to Richard Cook for opening the hall; to all the extra kitchen help; and to Betty King and Kay Jeffery who did an outstanding job at supervising and organizing the luncheon.

Thanks also to the Society members and friends who set up the hall on Sautrday and helped to prepare the food for our enjoyment. To all those who attended the Mass, we say thank-you because you made it a memorable occasion.

A special mention of thanks must also be extended to our beautiful music ministry; organist Elizabeth McNamara, guitarist Terry McNamara, Richard Cook soloist for responsorial psalm, and the St. Francis de Sales Choir. Outstanding talent!

The thank-you’s do not stop there! We have to thank Michelle Hayes who baked a beautiful cake and acted as our photographer for the special day; Marilyn Demers who decorated the church with fresh flowers, Barbara Malcolm who prepared the church programs and assisted with organization in advance (and who works so hard with the March Mass), and to Elaine Cook and Frank Meagher who also worked on behalf of the Society to assist with all the details and planning.

Last, but certainly not least, I need to extend a sincere thank-you to Brenda and Francis White for their strong commitment to the preservation of St. Patrick’s. I cannot begin to list all their contributions, but they are simply always there when something needs to be done.

They (like ALL of you) are true Cape Bretoners; generous, faithful, and committed to remembering and honoring our ancestors.

I am proud to be able to to share with you in the preservation of St. Patrick’s Church. The St. Patrick’s Church community stetches far beyond the Whiteside area.

This weekend brought people home from Boston, Ontario, Manitoba, and all parts of Nova Scotia. Those who could not attend, were certainly present in thought and prayer. We are less than 2 years away from our 100th Anniversary so we have much to look forward to. Let us all keep up the great work.


Karen Walker,

President of Whiteside Church Preservation Society.




Please note our fundraising total for July 2016 to July 2017 has been reached, and the main page now shows a reset of zero for our next fundraising year of July 2017 to July 2018. A tremendous thank-you for your continued support. Please continue to remember us in your prayers.

See you all this Sunday at the Mass at 11:30. Our new parish priest is Fr. Joe MacKenzie and we are so excited for him to be joining us. Do you know friends and family who can’t make it to the mass? Let them know to join the community for a lovely luncheon at Riverdale Community Center from 1:00 o’clock onward. We can’t wait to see all the children and youth of the parish!


Special thanks!

Special thanks!

A heartfelt thank-you to Paul and Gloria McNamara for donating glass for the window repair and for Shaun McNamara and Francis White for repairing several windows this month. You are such thoughtful people!

Thanks also to Michelle Hayes who once again is going to donate one of her beautiful cakes for the luncheon. It is always the highlight of the luncheon table!

In Memory of Jean Marie McNamara

In Memory of Jean Marie McNamara

The Whiteside Church Preservation Society wishes to extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Jean McNamara upon hearing of her passing. She was well known in the area for her involvement in a variety of causes. Jean will be remembered for her musical talents and her special love of Irish music. Her burial will take place at St. Patrick’s Cemetery, Whiteside.

May her soul and the souls of all the faithfully departed rest in peace.


A special thanks to all who attended the St. Patrick’s Day Mass.

A special thanks to all who attended the St. Patrick’s Day Mass.

Thank-you to Fr. Callistus for celebrating the Mass, and to all those who served as participants:

Elizabeth McNamara, Terry McNamara, Wayne McNamara, and the choir members;

Barbara Malcolm for organziation and preparation of the liturgy program; and

John Kennedy, Jackie White, Monica McCarthy, RoseAnn Proctor, Dennis Felix, Francis White, Paula Chisholm, Carol McNamara, and Billy Proctor for liturgical ministries.

A special thanks also is extended to Richard Cook who arranged for the purchase of the new organ, and to Dale Scanlan who assembled the stand, and set up the new organ in the church.

Again, a wonderful thanks to all those who were able to attend.