Category: Updates

Thank you so much!

Thank you so much!

A very special thanks to Shaun McNamara who built and mounted a beautifully crafted shelf for the church. This will display Our Lady of Fatima statue. This shelf is in memory of Len and Malinda McNamara and Fred Sole, through a donation from Paula Chisholm, Alice Goodrich, and Gertrude Sole.

Thank-you also to Francis MacEachern who repaired a piece of siding on the church this week.

We continue to be honoured by so many special people who share their time and talent to support St. Patrick’s Church. What a true blessing!

St Patrick’s Mass

St Patrick’s Mass

St. Patrick’s Day Mass will be held at 10:00 a.m. on March 17th at St. Patrick’s Church in Whiteside. Come and celebrate our Patron Saint on this special feast day!

Christmas Wreaths

Christmas Wreaths

Have you seen the two beautiful wreaths that brighten the church windows? Thank-you to Lisa and Rob Hallsworth for this lovely Christmas donation.

Special Thanks!

Special Thanks!

The Society extends a sincere thank-you to Rhonda MacDonnell-Barrett who will lay a wreath at the Remembrance Day Service in Whiteside, in loving memory of all our ancestors who served our country.

We remember and honour all those who served and those who are currently serving this great nation.

Special thanks to Brenda White for her tremendous dedication and hard work in the role of Treasurer-Vice President for the Society during the past three years. Brenda moves to the position of Past Vice President, and we welcome Elaine Cook to the new role of Treasuer-Vice President. Elaine is a wonderful addition to the Preservation Society Board, and we are blessed that she has joined us in a formal capacity.

Again, special thanks to Francis MacEachern and Peter Ryan for the completion of repairs to the front doors of the church. The community appreciates your continued efforts and your on-going commitment to St. Patrick’s. Tremendous work!