About the Society
Who is the Whiteside Church Preservation Society?
The Society is a group of concerned people who feel strongly that St. Patrick’s Mission Church is worth saving out of a sense of duty to our ancestors who built it, those who are buried in the adjacent cemetery, and because of its spiritual and historical significance to the community.
What is our purpose?
To raise funds to protect, preserve and maintain St. Patrick’s Mission Church in Whiteside, Cape Breton on behalf of our deceased ancestors, for use by future generations as a symbol of our faith in Christ; to preserve the achievements of our ancestors who built this mission Church through strong faith, hard work and sacrifice; and to protect this integral element of the history, identity and soul of the local community. The Society acknowledges with appreciation, the cooperation and support of His Excellency Bishop Dunn of our fundraising initiative.
Contact the Society at:
Whiteside Church Preservation Society,
Module 3, P.O. Box 7,
1621 Whiteside Road, Whiteside, Cape Breton,
Nova Scotia,
B0E 1J0
Society Executives and Committee Members, Past and Present
Karen Walker
Lorna Tyrell
Brenda White
Frank Meagher
Marilyn Demers
Michelle Hayes
Rhonda Barrett
Elaine Cook
Richard Cook
Paul Tyrell
Barb Malcolm